"It is not only what we do, but also what we do not do,
for which we are accountable."
My education and career trajectory have been nothing but linear. As an 18-year old applicant to law school (in Europe, where it’s possible to go straight to law school after graduating high school), I completely misevaluated the amount of studying and effort that should’ve gone into that entrance exam, so obviously, I failed. Ten years later, as an international student in the U.S. applying to doctoral programs in industrial-organizational psychology after having been a transfer student for only 2.5 years, was not my greatest idea or success either (hello, over 10 rejection letters and $1,500 application fees later - what were you thinking?!). Five years, an MBA drop-out, and one Master’s degree later, I’m finally happy and excited to be a graduate student in educational leadership in higher education. The path to getting here was bumpy, full of roadblocks, hidden knowledge, and other barriers my first-gen student self took a while to acknowledge and overcome.

I’ve been trying various educational systems and dipped my toes in various jobs and industries for the past 15 years. I have failed more than I can remember but I also gained valuable knowledge which shaped me into the human I am today. I’m starting this blog with the purpose of reflecting and sharing some insights about the things I wish I knew at various (student and professional) career stages. I’ll write about student and career strategic planning, including but not limited to personal branding, graduate school, important psychological concepts for our professional lives, and more. And every now and then, I’ll drop special articles on small but important tips for success - seriously, go Google yourself and do an audit of your online presence.
Also, I’m old school and I love quotes. It’s likely that each article I post will start with a quote. After all, “We are not makers of history. We are made by history.” Martin Luther King, Jr.